Enjoy the most outstanding landscapes of Mendoza reaching its maximum height in Las Cuevas (border with Chile). Along the way you will find charming places such as: Potrerillos: an area of vital importance for the province in terms of artificial irrigation with mountain water. Uspallata Valley: head town of the mountain area. Penitentes: ski center with the largest infrastructure in the Andes mountain range. Puente del Inca: rock formation that forms a natural bridge over the Las Cuevas River. Picheuta Bridge: Historical place where General Don José de San Martin" passed during his liberating deed. Cerro Aconcagua Viewpoint: site from where the highest hill in America (6962 masl) can be seen. Las Cuevas: border area that borders Chile and allows access to the Cristo Redentor monument (only in summer season).


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